A SHOOTING day in a few words
BEHIND THE SCENES: Dont worry. Let us tell you how a day looks like...
Registration online
First step to be part of our porn studio
You do your registration online on the cover page to the day and time you can take part. Don't reg. if you can't come.
To see more pictures - please register with your e-mail on the cover page as well.

All girls do porn in the daily life and THEY KNOW how to FUCK, suck and be super kinky. Trust me !!!!
They LOVE what they do and a large number of them get real Orgasm several times. Check our model gallery on the cover page to see what you like the most.
The atmosphere is FUN. We have te , coffee and more. Relaxed time, before and during as well as after the set and everyone will have girl time enough so don't worry. Quite a few girls take more than a group of untrained men can deliver.
The girls set the day what they can do and feel for, but in 99% of the cases all goes well in all holes.
You can leave the set any time you like and can't fuck anymore. Or just look at the party. Up to you.
You arrive to the location.. and them..
When you arrive at to set location one or two girls and one staff receive you. You bring your good mood, clean body etc., and preferred grooved or shaved to set.
You dress in whatever you like to wear, something sexy perhaps and take shower.
You will then meet our test team who will check you for HIV etc. (4 in all). Takes 30 min. all in all and then you are ready to get your part of the fun. YES you are welcome to use condoms all the way or not. But test we do anyway. YOU can bring via smartphone and MIT ID login your own test not older than 5 days. WE use the latest test with a very small window and we know precise how to use them in the best possible way. We also make a contract stating we can use the content where, how etc. with you and one ID shot that will be encrypted on the day. This is to secure us all for furture use.
PS: NO , it is not painful at all and it is done in a room for itself. And it similar test done in hospitals and at many porn events around Europe. So there is little reason to worry. But nothing in this world is 100 %. But WE believe and try to do the best for the model and guys.
If the demand or wish is there we can arrange 100% safe GB etc. but we believe testing will be a part of it anyway. WRITE US.
You will have to do a ID shot as well. This ID is encrypted and not given to 3´ed party . Only as documention for your age and legal participation as requested on some content sites.
ID SHOT & Contract
So the deal is that we produce PORN, Porn movies for online sales and ALL sites want ID & Contract and so do we. We need to be sure only to post with adult performers who know what they are doing. And why. WE do NOT post ID shot or contract and encrypt them.
We DO ID shoot - face and photo ID together.
Then we make a contract where we are allowed to use the material how and where we want. This you sign up with together with us.
Avoiding this will exclude you from the set. Without exception. Age +18 years old.

STD in Details
* We do at the location new test for:
** HIV 1+2 (Blod test)
** Psyfilis (Blod test)
** Glamydia. (Urine channel test. )
** Gonorea (Urine channel test. )
** We check for Genital warts visual.
* You should bring your own test max 14 days old and to be verified by governmental login or from trusted lab login. A paper version only does not work with us.
* We use the latest test from Sweden & CH, and it has a window of 14 days like the clinical test from hospital. 99,6%.
We allow condoms but we do not shoot with anyone who has any positive indication of above issues. Test will be done no matter what.

MALE - Your look....
BMI - target is...
We have to be able to see ALL.. also in misio when the guy enter the girl.. so a beer stomag does not work. .. some OK... but you know what we mean.
LOOS you belly, eat prober and max 1-2 times a day. Then the issue goes away.
PS: For Bukkake OK, GB in general OK. 😊😊
BMI for a bodybuilder and a fat guy can both be 27 but the look !. So the BIM is not
the sole indicator for the participation.
You need to have shaved balls, and penis area. No long hair. If you have long hair elsewhere shorten them..
We require a totally clean body from top to bottom. Clean nails all 20. Short and no
rings or stuff that can scratch the model. Hair washed, Teeth clean and so on.
intimate area
You dick is totally clean and you can only be in camera light with a stiff dick. You want to see the same on the porn set YOU look at.
We we get more and more popular, models are AMAZING HOT and WONDERFULL and we also have to increase the demands. We aim to change the
hole setup structure in 2025-2026. Step by step.
We love to hear from you. And check out our offers on the website in general.​​
ANONYMUS.. some times...
YOU can use a full face mask or use ours when we do group sceenes or GB or special set with a certain dress code. ALL other set does NOT work with a mask.
PS We have some in M size but better bring yourown.

Julia de Lucia in action

5 guyes and lovely Cathy B.

We love our Italian Mary Ryder.

Julia de Lucia in action